Little Man (2006) is a comedy film directed by Keenen Ivory Wayans. The story follows a man named Calvin (played by Marlon Wayans), a very short convict and expert jewel thief who has just been released from prison. He teams up with his dimwitted partner Percy (Tracy Morgan) to steal a valuable diamond. However, when […]
First men, the beginning of humanity
The great adventure of the origins of the human being through the story of one and the same family, a group of men, women and children whose camera shares the trials, the dramas and the joys throughout major stages of evolution. Director: Frédéric Fougea, Jérôme Guiot
5 not-so-secret facts about Barron Trump
Barron Trump, the youngest member of the Trump family, made a rare public appearance at his father’s inauguration. But beyond the public events, his life is a mystery Barron Trump has been trying to live as a regular citizen since he was born to his rather famous parents. Like many kids his age, the almost […]