Ronal the Barbarian is a 2011 Danish animated fantasy comedy film that parodies the sword-and-sorcery genre. The story follows Ronal, a timid and weak barbarian who is the complete opposite of his tribe’s strong, fearless warriors. When the villainous Lord Volcazar kidnaps all the barbarians to use their blood for a dark ritual, it falls to Ronal, the last free member of his tribe, to save them. He embarks on an epic quest with a ragtag team of companions: the fierce shieldmaiden Zandra, the vain bard Alibert, and the wise elf Elric. Together, they face dangerous challenges and comedic mishaps as Ronal learns about courage, friendship, and his own hidden strength. The film is known for its irreverent humor, action-packed sequences, and satirical take on fantasy tropes.
The 100 Barbarian Sons of Krull get attacked by a superior force and captured. It’s up to the young, weak but smart Ronal to free them. 3 join his dangerous quest.