Little Man (2006) is a comedy film directed by Keenen Ivory Wayans. The story follows a man named Calvin (played by Marlon Wayans), a very short convict and expert jewel thief who has just been released from prison. He teams up with his dimwitted partner Percy (Tracy Morgan) to steal a valuable diamond. However, when a police chase ensues, they stash the diamond in a woman’s purse to avoid getting caught.
To retrieve the gem, Calvin disguises himself as a baby and gets adopted by Vanessa (Kerry Washington) and her husband Darryl (Shawn Wayans), who have been eager to start a family. Despite his miniature size, Calvin’s behavior and adult tendencies raise suspicions. His antics lead to a series of humorous and chaotic events as he tries to get the diamond back without revealing his true identity.
The film uses slapstick humor and visual effects to blend the baby disguise with adult characteristics. Little Man explores themes of deception, family bonds, and trust in a light-hearted, comedic manner.