Title: “Kuraimono Geemu” (暗い者ゲーム) – The Dark Player Game Setting: The story takes place in a mysterious underground facility in modern Japan, blending elements of Japanese culture, folklore, and urban legends with a high-stakes survival game. The design combines neon-lit aesthetics of Tokyo nightlife with traditional elements like shoji screens and Zen gardens to create […]
Blake Lively complaint against Justin Baldoni all too familiar, Amber Heard says
Amber Heard stepped into the Blake Lively-Justin Baldoni fray on Monday after learning that the crisis control PR firm Baldoni had hired was the same one ex-husband Johnny Depp used during their 2022 defamation trial. “Social media is the absolute personification of the classic saying ‘A lie travels halfway around the world before truth can […]
Beauty and The Beast
Beauty and The Beast Disney’s animated classic takes on a new form, with a widened mythology and an all-star cast. It tells the story of a bison-human hybrid who falls in love with a human woman. Genre: Musical, Family, Fantasy Actor: Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Luke Evans Director: Bill Condon Country: United States
The Polar Express
The Polar Express This is the story of a young hero boy on Christmas Eve who boards on a powerful magical train that’s headed to the North Pole and Santa Claus’s home. What unfolds is an an adventure which follows a doubting boy, who takes an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole; during this […]
The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special
The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special The Guardians, who are on a mission to make Christmas unforgettable for Quill, head to Earth in search of the perfect present. Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy Actor: Chris Pratt, Pom Klementieff, Dave Bautista, Bradley Cooper, Vin Diesel Director: James Gunn Country: United States
Spirited Away – Official Trailer
From Hayao Miyazaki, one of the most celebrated filmmakers in the history of animated cinema, comes the Academy Award winning masterpiece, Spirited Away. Spirited Away is a wondrous fantasy about a young girl named Chihiro who discovers a secret world of strange spirits, creatures and sorcery. When her parents are mysteriously transformed, she must call […]
Corpse Bride
In Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride (2005), Victor (Johnny Depp) and his dead wife Emily (Helena Bonham Carter) aim to return to the Land of the Living. Overtaken by the beauty of the moonlight, Emily performs a Moon Dance (song written by Danny Elfman). Afterward, Victor schemes to sneak away and reunite with his true love, […]
When Coraline moves to an old house, she feels bored and neglected by her parents. She finds a hidden door with a bricked up passage. During the night, she crosses the passage and finds a parallel world where everybody has buttons instead of eyes, with caring parents and all her dreams coming true. When the […]
FROZEN | Let It Go Sing-along | Official Disney UK
Casper’s Haunted Christmas
Casper, The Friendly Ghost, is home for the holidays in this all-new, computer-animated, feature-length adventure that has fun and laughter all wrapped up in one spooktacular package! Sleigh bells are ringing, children are singing, and Casper’s in high spirits…until Kibosh, supreme ruler of all ghosts, decrees that Casper must scare at least one person before […]